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How to Emulate Shizuku (PC-98)
When I was looking to emulate Shizuku for the first time, I wasn't able to find all the info I needed in one place. Here is a tutorial with pictures. Hope this helps!
1. Visit this Nenecchi's site to find a PC-98 emulator.
2. Download the version of the emulator titled "np2fgen.7z".
3. Extract and open the files.
4. The program you need for Shizuku is titled np21.exe . Open the program.
5. After it loads, go to Harddisk > IDE#0 > Open
6. Locate the game file (In this case, [PC98]雫shizuku.hdi)
7. Navigate to Emulate > Reset
8. Hit enter twice, or until the A > text appears.
9. Text will load. Type "game" (in all lowercase, without quotations).
10. Hit enter, and the game will load.
11. When finished with the game, press Emulate > Reset, then Emulate > Exit to quit the program.
Note about saving: To save your progress, navigate to np21.ini. This will open the code for the program in a text file. Under the [NekoProject21] section, insert the line "STATSAVE=true" without quotations. This will add a State menu to the program. You're given 0 to 9 save files.
I didn't include the option of saving in the tutorial itself because this option doesn't work for everyone. Please understand the risk of losing your saves is present before adding a save option to the program.
Here are some great resources on the topic, if this tutorial wasn't clear enough.
Here is a link to a Touhou forum discussing extra settings. [x]
Here is a link to a YouTube video discussing PC-98 emulation in general (and where to find other games). **Edit: The video has since been deleted. Thank you BaseSk8er for reuploading it upon request. I originally referenced it while writing this article. :-) [x]